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Tournament Format:
Tournament will be a Swiss style, resurrection tournament. So any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game. Each round will see a coach play against a random opponent. In each subsequent round, the highest ranked player plays the next highest ranked player they have not previously played. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play.

We will be using the official GW 2020 Blood Bowl rules in addition to the NAF 2024 Rules for Tournaments found here:

There will be no overtime.

In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called -- please simply bring the issue to your opponent's attention and ask that he/she move their marker.

Weather Table: The weather table will not be used and the weather is always Nice - Perfect Blood Bowl Weather.

The Kickoff Table in the BB2020 ruleset will not be used, we will be using the RMR custom kickoff table found at

Team Creation:
To determine the team build, use the following guidelines:

Tier 0 – This tier is for a Tier 1 team that takes a Star Player. You get 1.1M to buy your team and any skills.

Tier 1 – This is for the following teams: Amazon, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orcs, Shambling Undead, Skaven and Vampires. Also, if you take a Tier 2 team with a Star Player, you are into the Tier 1 category. In Tier 1 you get 1.15M to buy your team and skills.

Tier 2 – This is for the following teams:  Chaos Dwarf, Human, Imperial Nobility, Khorne,  Necromantic, Tomb Kings, Underworld and Wood Elves. Also, if you take a Tier 3 team with a Star Player, you are into the Tier 2 category. In Tier 2 you Get 1.20M to buy your team and skills.

Tier 3 – This is for the following teams: Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, High Elves, Old-World Alliance, Nurgle and Slaan/Kislev. Also, if you take a Tier 4 team with a Mega-Star Player or two normal Star Players, you are into the Tier 3 category. In Tier 3 you Get 1.25M to buy your team and skills.

Tier 4 – This is for the following teams: Gnomes, Goblins, Halflings,  Ogres,  and Snotlings. In Tier 4 you can take one Star Player without moving up a Tier unless it is a Mega-star (see list below).  Taking two normal star players will move you up to Tier 3, taking two Mega-star players will move you up two tiers! In Tier 4 you Get 1.30M to buy your team and skills.

List of Mega-Stars: Bomber Dribblesnot, Cindy Piewhistle, Deeproot Strongbranch, Dribl & Drull, Estelle, Griff Oberwald, Hackflem Skuttlespike, Kreek Rustgouger, Morg ‘n Thorg  or Skitter Stab-Stab.
 If you take a Mega-Star in Tier 4 you move up one tier, if you take a Mega-Star in tiers 1-3, you move up two tiers!

Primary skill 20k
Secondary skill 40k

Cost of Stat Upgrades:
ST = 80k
AG = 40k
PA/MA = 20k
AV = 10

Additional rules:
- Highlander rule for Star Players IS in effect.
- No more than 2 extra skill or stat upgrades per player.
- No more than 5 of any one extra skill or stat per team (i.e., only 5 guard, block or +AV extra per team)
- No mercenaries.
- No stadiums or sponsors.
- No wizards.

All 29 NAF approved races will be allowed, which includes Slann/Kislev. Also, only the new GW Chaos Dwarf team will be allowed.

Approved BB2020 inducements may be purchased by all teams aside from those listed above.

The two hour and 10 minute rounds will be enforced. You will receive ‘Time Remaining’ updates from the Tournament Organizer to help you stay on pace.

The 4 Minute turn rule will not be used unless the Tournament organizer feels your game is in danger of not completing in the time limit. He may insist on a timer being used and enforcing the 4 minute turn rule.

Tournament points may be gained in several ways from your matches.

Points from Game Play:

Game Result Tournament Points
Win 60
Tie 30
Loss 10

During the tournament, additional points may be earned. They are as follows:
Lost by 1 Touchdown = +2 pts
Caused 2 more CAS from Blocking than Opp. = +2 pts
Caused 3 or more CAS from Blocking than Opp. = +5 pts
Cleared the Pitch (1 per Match) = +5 pts
Won by 2 Touchdowns = +2 pts
Won by 3 or more Touchdowns = +5 pts
Get a One-Turn Score (1 per Match) = +5 pts

* For the sake of bonuses,  all CAS sustained from blocking, crowd surfing and fouling will count!

RMR Champion - Most overall points after round 4
2nd Place - Second most overall points
3rd Place - Third most overall points
Stunty Champion - Most overall points with one of the following teams: Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Snotling
Best Defense - Team that allowed the fewest TDs
Best Offense - Team that scored the most TDs
Most Brutal - Team that inflicted the most Casualties from Blocking
Best Painted - Best looking team as decided by participants. Tournament Organizers will break ties.
Top Youngling - Coach under 18 years old that finishes with the highest score

Other awards may be given away as well.
A Coach may only win one award.

West Coast Grand Prix:
The Rocky Mountain Rampage is a proud supporter of the West Coast Grand Prix. The Grand Prix will award you with points for playing in events like this across the west. Those points will qualify you for Award prizes and going to 6 regional tournaments will earn
you a pair of custom WCGP dice!

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